RuneScape | Grenwall Hunting Guide 360k Hunter XP and 3M GP/Hour

2015-03-01 47

XP and GP rates include getting the tickets from Big Chin : Happy Hunting everyone :D Song: Some Tags: Runescape r.nnHi, this is my first guide on the game i love, Runescape. Grenwalls are the best hunter xp in the game giving up to 500k hunter xp/hr and over 5m gp per hour.nnXP RATES WERE TESTED AT LEVEL 90 HUNTER; IT MAY BE LOWER/HIGHER IF YOU HAVE A LOWER/HIGHER HUNTER LEVEL. If you want to know how much gp you will get/hour, m.nnGuide to 99 crafting how to get 99 crafting runesc